Exclusive Business Analysis training delivered by top OnlyFans performers

An exclusive OnlyFans channel just for Business Analysts? Yep, you heard correctly.

Business Analysts have much to learn from the personal services industry, so I’m bringing the two together.

Top OnlyFans performers, many of whom earn more money than you can dream of, are invited onto the exclusive channel to discuss how mastery of certain skills led to their commercial success, and how you can apply them in your Business Analysis career.

Elicitation of needs, pricing and payments, service delivery, contract performance, client satisfaction, sustainable working practices, and encouraging repeat business. Practices found across the service professions.

Top OnlyFans performers, delivering training on the very platform they make their services income from, is a radically different approach to any Business Analysis training and CPD you’ve seen before, which the IIBA will certainly never replicate.

Access to the OnlyFans channel is invite-only, and numbers are limited; register your interest by dropping me an email. You’ll receive a reply if successful.

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