Shipping the highest priority items

If you are working on the highest priority items, and shipping regularly, then it’s pretty much agile. Irrespective of anything else.

You don’t need a product owner because agile tells you to, you need them to the extent necessary for determining the ‘highest priority items’.

You don’t need user feedback because agile tells you to, you need it to the extent necessary for determining the ‘highest priority items’.

You don’t need unit tests because agile tells you to, you need them to the extent necessary for avoiding bugs becoming the ‘highest priority items’.

You don’t need CI/CD because agile tells you to, you need them to the extent necessary for ‘shipping regularly’.

I hope you get the idea.

Throw Scrum away if you like, because it’s not the only way to work on the highest priority items and ship regularly. But for the vast majority of teams, something prescriptive is necessary.

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Our Software Requirements can help with that.

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